A Magyar Politikatudományi Társaság XXI. Vándorgyűlése
2015. június 5-6.
Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Call for papers
The conference targets to discuss the current processes of European integration, together with analysing the challenges and opportunities the EU faces in the coming decade. During the conference plenary speeches of experts of international reputation will be combined with interactive sections of debate.
The conference is jointly held with the Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Political Science Association.
The conference works in a panel–section structure: the major topics are represented in panels, which accommodate maximum 3 sections each, depending on how many scholars, participants are interested in the given sub-topic taken by the dedicated section. Each section consists of one session of 1h30 minutes, including a maximum of 5 paper presentations. A presenter may only deliver one talk. S/he may, however, also convene or participate in a plenary session, or section.
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Pécs
Hungarian Political Science Association
Pólusok Social Sciences Society